Archive for March 11, 2014

Data Architecture: From Zen to Reality

Data Architecture: From Zen to Reality

Data Architecture: From Zen to Reality

Data is an expensive and expansive asset. Information capture has forced storage capacity from megabytes to terabytes, exabytes and, pretty soon, zetabytes of data. So the need for accessible storage space for this data is great. To make this huge amount of data usable and relevant, it needs to be organized effectively. Database Base Management Systems, such as Oracle, IBM’s DB2, and Microsoft SqlServer are used often, but these are being enhanced continuously and auxiliary tools are being dev


How do you get more traffic to you’re blog?

Question by NH: How do you get more traffic to you’re blog?
Hello, I have a problem with getting traffic to my blog. I have had my blog for almost a year and I barley have any hits on it. It’s a Pokemon Information blog that contains pretty much everything you need to know about Pokemon. I have multiple pages connected to it that each contain their own kind of information such as characters, videos, songs, game information, Pokemon news, pictures and more (there all created by me) and still no one checks them out. I know that people still like pokemon because I look at other sites and they all have millions of hits and comments. My site is high teck also and look really good so i dont see whats wrong with it, i even have meta tags on and they don’t seem to work. does anyone know any ways to get more traffic to my blog? Like htmls that get my blog to show up on Google or Yahoo, or any other search engine? Or maybe another way to enhance my traffic? THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ps. My blog url is

Best answer:

Answer by George Souler
Look at these ways of getting traffic to your blog:

Slide sharing (
Link Directories
traffic exchanges
List Brokers
Popups/Unders/Overs etc..
Software apps (facebook, toolbars, etc.)
Software/scripts included in CPanel/Fantastico
Pinging your pages and the pages on other sites which link to yours.
XML sharing (PADs, Feeds, Sitemaps, RSS etc.)
Article directories, and reprinted articles
Tell-A-Friend scripts
Twitter , myspace, youtube, facebook etc…
Sofware links (PAD)
Videos, audios
JVs – ezine, links, ty page, A/Rs
offline (physical books, testimonials/forwards in other peoples books – word of mouth, seminars, networking, business cards, radio advertising, tradeshows, workshops, roadshows, mail, local sponserhips etc)
Viral Marketing (ezines, software, ebooks etc.)
Ezine ads
webinar / teleseminar
Online TV stations and radio stations
buying other websites with existing traffic and links
buying expired domains with existing traffic
Outsourcing sites – Elance etc.
Traffic swaps
giving away templates
Images (Flickr etc)
service offline businesses
Banner Ads
Craigslist and similar
previous customers returning (emails, links in books, promotions etc.)
message boards
community sites
google news – alerts

Add your own answer in the comments!

The Java programming language is a high-level language that can be characterized by all of the following buzzw?

Question by matthew: The Java programming language is a high-level language that can be characterized by all of the following buzzw?
*Object oriented
*Architecture neutral
*High performance
*Multi threaded

Explain the meaning of each of these buzzwords.

Best answer:

Answer by Todd
Simple – many high level languages encapsulate tedious tasks into easy to understand implementations, Java is one of them

Object oriented – the programming paradigm whereby a template (class) is a cookie cutter to make instances (objects) which have an autonomy of their data and control of it. In such a methodology, there exist hierarchies, where parent classes can have children classes that inherit attributes from the parent

Distributed – Communication between objects (the calling of methods) does not have to reside on the same machine, let alone the same application

Interpreted – Instead of compiling to a specific architecture, you instead compile to a generic byte code which will work on any machine, because it is the interpreter that is compiled specifically to the machine. The program can then be tossed around without recompiling, since it is interpreted

Robust – The ability to enforce quality control through such things as error handling

Secure – Speaks for itself. In the context of java, it allows you to put up barriers with things like the keyword private

Architecture neutral – see Interpreted

Portable – see Interpreted

High performance – This one is vague. Some people consider high performance to be the ease with which code is produced, others think performance means pure numbers and speed.

Multi threaded – Can make use of more than one thread if the OS supports it. Threading simply means synchronous execution of code

Dynamic – It can change on the fly somewhat

Cross-platform – see Interpreted

What do you think? Answer below!

Buying whole sale broken PC’s?

Question by clone630271: Buying whole sale broken PC’s?
I would very much enjoy repairing PC’s from home however I don’t know how to obtain PC’s that need repair in large quantities. Private purchases take long to find and usually are not economical.
How do refurbishers get their broken laptop/desktops?

Best answer:

Answer by cdabexx
They get them from the factory but have to purchase in large quantities.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

The Data Model Resource Book, Vol. 3: Universal Patterns for Data Modeling (Volume 3)

The Data Model Resource Book, Vol. 3: Universal Patterns for Data Modeling (Volume 3)

The Data Model Resource Book, Vol. 3: Universal Patterns for Data Modeling (Volume 3)

This third volume of the best-selling “Data Model Resource Book” series revolutionizes the data modeling discipline by answering the question “How can you save significant time while improving the quality of any type of data modeling effort?” In contrast to the first two volumes, this new volume focuses on the fundamental, underlying patterns that affect over 50 percent of most data modeling efforts. These patterns can be used to considerably reduce modeling time and cost, to jump-start data mod

List Price: $ 75.00
