This video will Provide both practitioners and decision makers with an overview of the TOGAF® 9.0 framework and how it can add value to an organisation. Pres…
This video will Provide both practitioners and decision makers with an overview of the TOGAF® 9.0 framework and how it can add value to an organisation. Pres…
Unknown – Technology, Careers & Consulting
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Question by Gael: Is there really shortage of IT (Information Technology) professionals?
I’ve read on my articles that there’s a growing shortage of IT professionals, but I ask myself if it’s true. I’m concerned with this situation in Canada and Quebec because I’m immigrating there and I want to work on IT.
I’m considering study computer science at University of Montreal or University Concordia, and I don’t want to spend my time and money just to discover after 3 years of studies that there’s no jobs in this sector.
And sorry for the mistakes. I’m not fluent in english.
Best answer:
Answer by Jerry Garcia
Whoever you are hearing this from is sadly mistaken. Just look at the job postings, it will tell you the truth.
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Holly, now in her third year, reflects on how client engagements, team interactions, and training set a foundation for a career she loves. “I am much more co…
Dell’s Fluid Data Architecture Enables Mazda to Accommodate Business Needs
Image by Dell’s Official Flickr Page
Barry Blakeley, infrastructure architect at Mazda NA, talks about adding storage as business needs change.
A completely revised update of the First Edition, this book focuses exclusively on outsourcing information technology such as data processing, computer systems, and specialized software programs essentially an intellectual property transaction. It covers, among other topics, licensing and software development agreements, sales of tangible assets, human resources management, and more.
List Price: $ 215.50
Question by socar50: How can you tell how big a web page is?
I just got a new blackberry and have a data plan that is very low, so I have to be careful. I need to be able to know how many kb or mb a website is before I open it. Thanks for your help.
Best answer:
Answer by SadButTrue
Right-click/Properties and look at the Size: field. But before you open it, no – you’ve had it!
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Title: Gaining Competitive Advantage from Enterprise Architecture Speaker: Dr. Jeanne Ross, Director and Principal Research Scientist, MIT Sloan School Cente…
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