Tag Archive for Blog

How do you get more traffic to you’re blog?

Question by NH: How do you get more traffic to you’re blog?
Hello, I have a problem with getting traffic to my blog. I have had my blog for almost a year and I barley have any hits on it. It’s a Pokemon Information blog that contains pretty much everything you need to know about Pokemon. I have multiple pages connected to it that each contain their own kind of information such as characters, videos, songs, game information, Pokemon news, pictures and more (there all created by me) and still no one checks them out. I know that people still like pokemon because I look at other sites and they all have millions of hits and comments. My site is high teck also and look really good so i dont see whats wrong with it, i even have meta tags on and they don’t seem to work. does anyone know any ways to get more traffic to my blog? Like htmls that get my blog to show up on Google or Yahoo, or any other search engine? Or maybe another way to enhance my traffic? THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ps. My blog url is www.unownzone.blogspot.com

Best answer:

Answer by George Souler
Look at these ways of getting traffic to your blog:

Slide sharing (Slideshare.com)
Link Directories
traffic exchanges
List Brokers
Popups/Unders/Overs etc..
Software apps (facebook, toolbars, etc.)
Software/scripts included in CPanel/Fantastico
Pinging your pages and the pages on other sites which link to yours.
XML sharing (PADs, Feeds, Sitemaps, RSS etc.)
Article directories, and reprinted articles
Tell-A-Friend scripts
Twitter , myspace, youtube, facebook etc…
Sofware links (PAD)
Videos, audios
JVs – ezine, links, ty page, A/Rs
offline (physical books, testimonials/forwards in other peoples books – word of mouth, seminars, networking, business cards, radio advertising, tradeshows, workshops, roadshows, mail, local sponserhips etc)
Viral Marketing (ezines, software, ebooks etc.)
Ezine ads
webinar / teleseminar
Online TV stations and radio stations
buying other websites with existing traffic and links
buying expired domains with existing traffic
Outsourcing sites – Elance etc.
Traffic swaps
giving away templates
Images (Flickr etc)
service offline businesses
Banner Ads
Craigslist and similar
previous customers returning (emails, links in books, promotions etc.)
message boards
community sites
google news – alerts

Add your own answer in the comments!

SunMan Engineering CEO, Allen Nejah Discusses Product Development Challenges, and More in Latest Blog Entry

San Jose, CA (PRWEB) July 26, 2013

In the latest blog entry for SunMan’s Blog, CEO Allen Nejah discusses product development, as well as challenges and common mistakes make by companies in their approach, Below are a couple of choice excerpts.

In response to the question “What are the challenges of product development these days?

“Generally, product development services involve understanding a number of different disciplines, and understanding every aspect of the entire process, from A to Z. This includes: the available technologies in the market, and developing an architecture to both the product requirements, and the business and marketing strategy in order to bring the product concept to reality…A developer will run into problems if they dont incorporate the information form the manufacturing phase into the design phase. For example the product may not be able to be manufactured with the technology available, or it may be too expensive to manufacture. Design and manufacturing need to go hand in hand, like a glove.”

The Interview also explains how product developers squander time and money:

“Developers tend to waste a lot of time and money by not learning from prior experience and pitfalls. Many times they do not incorporate these shortcomings into the design and development projects. Learning from previous experiences will reduce the amount of pitfalls by a great amount. This is really important, because every mistake will delay your electronic product development project, therefore costing more time and money.”

Also, Allen has some tips for a successful QA process:

“A good QA process will avoid expensive mistakes and delays, and having a detailed test plan is very important. Just like the manufacturing process requirements, the test plan needs to be well defined and implemented in the design phase. Think of this as insurance for your product design and development efforts. The more QA implemented in the product development cycle the more successful and smoother the ride to manufacturing and final product.”

Read the entire interview here.