Tag Archive for most

Which computer job has the most employment?

Question by Albert M: Which computer job has the most employment?
I’m really good with computers, I really want to know Which computer job has the most employment?.. Please provide me a link or choices.

Best answer:

Answer by dman
Become an IT, if you’re that good you would be using Google and not asking yahoo answers, so i doubt you are qualified.
Problem solving skills, get them.

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Most modern computers provide large number of general-purpose registers and few mem access instructions, why?

Question by Chris: Most modern computers provide large number of general-purpose registers and few mem access instructions, why?
Full Question: Most modern computers provide a large number of general-purpose registers and very few memory access instructions. Most instructions use these registers to hold data instead of
memory. Explain clearly and coherently the advantages to such an architecture?

Best answer:

Answer by Chip
Put simply: speed. The computer doesn’t have to waste time looking up data in memory if it already has the data sitting right there in the register.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

The most popular data center architecture in deployment today was based on very different requirements. #Interop @HuaweiUSA

The most popular data center architecture in deployment today was based on very different requirements. #Interop @HuaweiUSAby interop (Interop)