Tag Archive for Secrets

IT Outsourcing: The 8 Secrets to Eliminating the Firefighting Approach to IT Support Without the Overhead of Full-Time Staff

IT Outsourcing: The 8 Secrets to Eliminating the Firefighting Approach to IT Support Without the Overhead of Full-Time Staff

IT Outsourcing: The 8 Secrets to Eliminating the Firefighting Approach to IT Support Without the Overhead of Full-Time Staff

No one wants to deal with computer problems – they are a drag on any business or organization. Without a strong IT outsourcing approach, executives will end up spending more time firefighting than growing their businesses.

The model of having in house IT support has proved to be ineffective for most organizations under 200 employees because the technology, knowledge and resources just aren’t in place for an internal person to successfully manage all IT services.

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